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After recognizing a missed opportunity with a lean data set, I led a design iteration to increase the amount of data we were collecting. The image on the left (before) shows a passive hyperlink and was resulting in ~30 responses day. The image on the right (after) showcases one of the updated designs that centers the feedback opportunity. After our first round of A:B testing, we increased our responses to over ~500 a day. Since the updates, we've been able to integrate our user data into various data models and algorithms. Additionally, we have incorporated an A:B testing cycle for this feature and have used this project as a use case across the business for experimenting with data collection. 



  • Increased daily response rate by over 1500% 

  • Implemented a habit of experimenting and iteration

  • Expanded data set that was infused into products across the business



In partnership with our web designer and engineer, we were able to drastically improve the user experience for our brand partner—which also led to increased conversions. In the left image (before) you can see that there is an unclear navigation and no strong calls to action for the user. And in the right image (after) you'll notice an easy-to-use experience which funnels the user into the appropriate pipeline. I used user behavior data (heat maps, click-through rates and journeys, and sales calls) to create the roadmap and strategy for this project. We saw immediate results and were able to deliver a top-notch experience for the user.



  • Increased conversion rates to our sales agents 

  • Customers funneled into the correct pipeline (talking to sales vs. existing customer)

  • Enhanced customer metrics and flow established 


  • 30,000 page views

  • 19,000 listens

  • 10,000 social engagements


When I published the Children & Essential Oils podcast episode, our audience loved it. It is one of the most listened, viewed, and shared episodes to date. After the success and tracking the data, I built out, and produced, even more content utilizing the sticky content. Overall, this was a slam-dunk! 


Have you had a moment as a parent where you’ve paused because you weren’t sure about using essential oils with your kids? If so, this episode is for you. There is a lot of conversation around this topic and we wanted to join. We invited Dr. Lindsey Elmore and Royal Crown Diamond Debra Raybern onto Drop of Inspiration—both of whom are experts in their fields.


Lindsey Elmore is the Director of Global Education and Health Sciences for Young Living. She brings with her a distinguished background in pharmaceutics, which includes an undergraduate degree in chemistry from the University of Alabama Birmingham and a doctorate in pharmacy from the University of California San Francisco. Additionally, Dr. Elmore chairs Young Living’s Scientific Advisory Committee and Veterinary Advisory Committee. Among many research interests, she is fascinated with natural products, food as treatment for chronic disease, and integrative therapies. In her spare time, Dr. Elmore enjoys gardening, singing, dancing, and watching her brother play professional baseball.


After learning about natural paths to wellness and earning several holistic certifications—including naturopath, master herbalist, certified nutritional consultant, international certified aromatherapist, and others—Debra Raybern opened a part-time business teaching others about herbs, nutrition, soap making, and bread making. While teaching a class in 1999, an attending student named Valarie Craft introduced her to Young Living’s essential oils. After the unexpected death of Debra’s husband in 2002, she was left in need of a greater source of income without sacrificing time with her daughter, whom she was homeschooling at the time. She prayed for an answer about what she needed to do, and the answer she received was that she had been given the oils. Now through her hard work with Young Living, she experiences better health, more time, and greater financial freedom. “I love sharing the opportunity for both wellness and abundance,” Debra says.


Both Lindsey and Debra add their valuable knowledge and experience to this topic. We were excited to add to this topic and remind everyone to take time to learn about the amazing benefits of using essential oils with your kiddos.





  • Published in 3 major marketing channels (print, blog, and social)

  • 600,000 copies printed in the US

  • Translated into 10 languages

  • 13,500 blog pageviews

  • 5,000 social engagements


Originally written for the company's printed newsletter, this article is a great example of excellent cross-team collaboration. Doctors and essential oils tends to be a taboo subject in the essential oil industry. Noticing certain trends in the data, I wanted to tell a story that talked about this subject in a new and fresh way. I connected with our blog team and social media team to adapt this story to gain the most access and reach. We were able to 


Have you ever felt timid about bringing up the topic of our essential oil-infused dietary supplements with your health care provider? We want to help you have productive conversations that will ease any nervousness! Using our dietary supplements as part of a wellness regimen is important to any Young Living member, and as with any other supplement or wellness product, we recommend the common sense approach of consulting with your licensed health care provider prior to use.


As you work to address your personal wellness, it’s important that you advocate for yourself. Everyone reacts to and uses our products a little differently, so it’s essential to openly discuss the personal wellness choices you want to make. As you are visiting with your provider, go in with a plan to help you navigate a positive and productive conversation. Remember—both you and your provider want you to live with wellness and vitality, so strive to work as a team!


Share your point of view

  • Take to your appointment the dietary supplements you commonly use, so your provider can look at them firsthand, read the labels, and see their recommended uses.

  • Share your thoughts about the products and what you’ve noticed while you have used them.


Emphasize working together

  • Seek a provider who has experience and skills in using essential oils and dietary supplements.

  • If given advice that differs from your point of view and/ or from the label’s recommended uses, don't argue or act defensively. Instead, thank your provider for his or her opinion and time.


Provide information

  • Read labeling on each product with your provider and seek advice that aligns with the label’s suggestions. If you have questions, you can always find additional information on under the “Products” tab.


Having open and candid conversations is a simple way to share perspectives, emphasize teamwork, and provide information. By using these strategy tips, you can learn to feel comfortable discussing how you use Young Living products to support the most optimal and wellness-focused life possible!


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